Tarif air: MCA mahu PM campur tangan, audit operator dan rombak SPAN
Naib Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Wee Jeck Seng berkata, bekalan air bersih dan berterusan kepada rakyat bukan suatu perniagaan, tetapi tanggungjawab dan misi kerajaan.
Thu Jan 18 2024

PRU15: Ka Siong, Jeck Seng menang di Parlimen Ayer Hitam, Tanjung Piai
Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Ayer Hitam untuk penggal kelima, apabila berjaya meraih sebanyak 18,911 undi pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-15 (PRU15).
Sat Nov 19 2022

Cocoa, cocoa products' export value forecast to increase in line with positive demand this year
The export value of cocoa beans and cocoa-based downstream products is expected to continue to increase this year.
Sun Jul 24 2022

Wee: Govt to monitor development after Indonesia scraps palm oil export levy
The government will monitor the development of the palm oil industry after Indonesia announced that it has scrapped its export levy for all palm oil products until August 31, 2022.
Tue Jul 19 2022

Subsidised cooking oil quota sufficient - Wee Jeck Seng
The subsidised cooking oil quota of 55,000 metric tonnes per month or 660,000 metric tonnes a year has been sufficient so far, said Datuk Seri Dr Wee Jeck Seng.
Mon Jul 04 2022

Pengilang sawit henti operasi, MPOB keluar surat peringatan
Pengilang yang terlibat juga bakal berdepan dengan penggantungan lesen sekiranya terbukti melakukan perbuatan itu.
Thu Jun 30 2022

Govt urges palm oil millers to resume operations immediately
Wee Jeck Seng said the halt in operations would affect existing stocks and have a negative impact on smallholders.
Tue Jun 28 2022

Nilai eksport biokomposit negara catat RM4.3 bilion tahun lepas
Industri biokomposit di Malaysia kini berkembang pesat dengan negara mencatatkan nilai eksport sebanyak RM4.3 bilion.
Fri Jun 24 2022

Koperasi penanam sawit mampan capai jualan lebih 80,000 tan - Wee
Inisiatif itu bertujuan meningkatkan produktiviti tanaman sawit dan pendapatan pekebun kecil menerusi pelaksanaan Amalan Pertanian Baik (GAP).
Sat May 14 2022

Indonesia's move impacts global edible oils and fats trade
Indonesia's move to ban exports of its palm oil starting Thursday next week is expected to have a massive impact on the global edible oils and fats market.
Sun Apr 24 2022

Additional RM1 bln needed annually if IPG activation price raised to RM3.50 - Jeck Seng
An estimated RM1 billion in additional allocation will be required annually if the PHP for scrap rubber under the Rubber Production Incentive (IPG) is raised to RM3.50 per kg.
Mon Dec 13 2021

KPPK terus pantau perkembangan kempen anti minyak sawit - Wee
Industri sawit Malaysia sering ditohmah dengan mengaitkannya dengan isu ketidakmampanan, kemusnahan hutan dan kesan terhadap alam sekitar.
Mon Oct 25 2021

Monsoon aid of RM300 for rubber smallholders to be paid in November - Wee
The aid would be given for two months to some 300,000 smallholders who own rubber estates of less than 2.5 hectares.
Sun Oct 24 2021

MPIC sedang giat hasilkan baka sawit 20 kaki - Wee
MPIC melalui MPOB sedang giat menghasilkan baka baharu kelapa sawit berketinggian 20 kaki bagi memudahkan pekebun kecil menuai hasil tanaman komoditi berkenaan.
Sun Apr 25 2021

Govt allocates RM1.4m grant for Factory Transformation Programme
SIRIM STS will finance 80 per cent of the participation fees for participants of this programme while the balance will be funded by the MTC.
Fri Apr 09 2021